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Create and request visualization reports

First, you need to get the URL for the visualization that you want to download as an image file or PDF.

To generate a visualization report, you need to specify the Dashboards URL.

Open the visualization for which you want to generate a report, and select Share > Permalinks > Generate link as Shapshot > Short URL > Copy link, as shown in the following image.

Copy link

You will need to add the URL with the -u argument when you request the report in the CLI.

Example: Requesting a PNG file

The following command requests a report in PNG format with basic authentication and sends the report to an email address using Amazon SES:

opensearch-reporting-cli -u https://localhost:5601/app/dashboards#/view/7adfa750-4c81-11e8-b3d7-01146121b73d -a basic -c admin:Test@1234 -e ses -s <email address>  -r <email address> -f png

Example: Requesting a PDF file

The following command requests a PDF file and specifies the recipient’s email address:

opensearch-reporting-cli -u https://localhost:5601/app/dashboards#/view/7adfa750-4c81-11e8-b3d7-01146121b73d -a basic -c admin:Test@1234 -e ses -s <email address> -r <email address> -f pdf

Upon success, the file will be sent to the specified email address. The following image shows an example PDF report.

PDF example

Example: Requesting a CSV file

The following command generates a report that contains all table content in CSV format and sends the report to an email address using Amazon SES transport:

opensearch-reporting-cli -u https://localhost:5601/app/dashboards#/view/7adfa750-4c81-11e8-b3d7-01146121b73d -f csv -a basic -c admin:Test@1234 -e ses -s <email address> -r <email address>

Upon success, the email will be sent to the specified email address with the CSV file attached.

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