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The convert_entry_type processor converts a value type associated with the specified key in a event to the specified type. It is a casting processor that changes the types of some fields in events. Some data must be converted to a different type, such as an integer to a double, or a string to an integer, so that it will pass the events through condition-based processors or perform conditional routing.


You can configure the convert_entry_type processor with the following options.

Option Required Description
key Yes Keys whose value needs to be converted to a different type.
type No Target type for the key-value pair. Possible values are integer, double, string, and Boolean. Default value is integer.


To get started, create the following pipeline.yaml file:

    - convert_entry_type:
        key: "response_status"
        type: "integer"

Next, create a log file named logs_json.log and replace the path in the file source of your pipeline.yaml file with that filepath. For more information, see Configuring Data Prepper.

For example, before you run the convert_entry_type processor, if the logs_json.log file contains the following event record:

{"message": "value", "response_status":"200"}

The convert_entry_type processor converts the output received to the following output, where the type of response_status value changes from a string to an integer:

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